It is getting late on Christmas Eve and we are going out for a quick drink, then a Carol sing in the Market Square. So it only remains to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
HR Scrap Tank, Making a Start in 7mm Scale.
2 weeks ago
Hope you had a good one Lyn, Pete & Bella! It was lovely driving to Cockermouth yesterday, Grisedale Pike & co looked wonderful with the early morning sunshine on them. Even better was the view of the mountains at the back end of Buttermere & Ennerdale (if I'm led to believe that I'm correct with that mountain range). I saw a couple of people skiing down Blease Fell a short while ago, just watched them in awe! Hope that your walks go well - wished I could join you folks!
I hope it too, Lyn, Pete and Bella! I myself have spent Christmas Eve working, which was quite a strange feeling. I've seen that you have quite a lot of snow up there, will you be able to do the walks? Blencathra tomorrow? I'll be thinking of you. No snow at all here. Today was a cold and clear and bright and sunny day and I'd been out for a long walk with a friend of mine, the whole day. Actually it was the first (longer) one since our Carrock Fell to Keswick walk, and it was good!
Good Luck for your winter walks and greetings to the lucky people who can participate. Greetings to all of them!
I have to go to Dresden, I'm afraid...
How is your arm, Tess? I hope you feel a little better now?
Hi Kira - merry christmas to you and happy new year as well. Broke my radius (bone in line with the thumb), so I'm in a cast from knuckles to just below my elbow. What a nuisance! It's screwed up any walking I wanted to do, as I tend to use trekking poles at this time of year, plus it's knocked my confidence! Oh well, just another five weeks to go... Hope you're well
Oh, poor Tess, I hope you can manage it somehow! I did something very idiotic today. Bumped in the morning with my right little toe against the heating. Ouch! Went to work anyway, of course. The boots hurt much, so I wore sandals at work - and bumped again with THE SAME TOE against the open fridge! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!!
Anyway, my very best wishes for the NEW YEAR to you, Tess, and of course to all of you, and I'll tell you about Dresden then.
Tell us about Blencathra please, Lyn and Pete and Bella! We're waiting!
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