Saturday, 12 February 2011

New logo for Keswick Rambles Lake District Guided Walks

Introducing our new logo
I have just added this new logo to the Keswick Rambles website and I thought that those of you who follow the KR blog might like to see it too. You will be seeing more of this logo as it will be on our loyalty cards and also on our programme when it is printed and put on display at the Moot Hall.  Anyway, I wondered how many of you can guess which mountain it is? You will also see all the leaders sporting this new logo outside the Moot Hall when the walks start in April, gosh who knows you might even see it on the odd dog's collar.......Speaking of dogs, you can see Alison and Halle's dogs on the website now as I have added a new page about the leaders. Just click on the names under the leader's photos on the Home Page to go to their page. 


Tess said...

Hello Lynn, rather catchy new symbol! Blencathra methinks... I can see part of that lovely mountain from my bedroom window, always cheers me up...
Nice to see a bit of snow on the mountains - as I've got Friday off, I'm hoping that the weather holds out (along with the snow!), and that my back recovers on time for me to get out on the mountains. My microspikes are just crying to be used!!!!

Susan Lesley said...

I will certainly keep an eye on this blog as we regularly holiday in the Lake District.

Lyn Armstrong said...

Welcome to the blog Susan