Some photos just came in from kira and one of them looked so good I thought you might like to guess the fell. What an atmospheric shot, so where is it? If you don't know all will be revealed next time.
Scrap Tank, Superstructure.
2 weeks ago
Could it be Great Calva? I was up in the Northern Fells not so long ago and it sort of looks familiar. You can tell I'm not an expert can't you! ;)
I can't participate, I'm the photographer!
Well, I wonder how I've managed to take that pic, with boots being completely soaked and full of mud. However looking back it was a great walk, I'm very proud that I've participated and - at my age! - that I've made it at the end! Thank you Pete and thank you Bella, good girl!
You were right, Pete, of course it wasn't my very last walk, as I've said that day...
I'm a little late, but you weren't at home for a while:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETE, I hope you've had a good one, and a very special and very huge birthday cake, too!
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