Monday, 1 July 2013

Wednesday 26th June we went up The Old Man of Coniston

Our route took us up over Dow Crag, down to the coll and then up to Coniston Old Man
We left the car park at The Old Coniston Railway Station and headed up through the woods to join the Walna Scar Road which we followed to it's highest point before it drops down into the Duddon Valley. 
Looking across to the summit cairn of The Old Man
 We walked over Brown Pike and Buck Pike towards Dow Crag.
Heading towards Dow Crag

The arête on Dow Crag which we climbed once a few years ago.
There were fine views across Goats Water far below and we could see the steep path leading to Goats Hawse above and beyond on to The Old Man.
Here we are at the trig point on Coniston Old Man  803m
 The trig point is perched on the rim of the crags which fall down to Low Water far below. The actual summit is just off picture to the right.
Lyn is holding #flatmarley a picture of special significance because by taking it to the top of Coniston Old Man she is participating in a game to raise money for Dogs Trust and Lyn has made her donation here. The reason she chose to bring it along was because Marley the Dog once hiked up Coniston Old Man before he sadly died of heart disease last December.
Bella is enjoying herself on the summit and this is her way of saying 'let's go'
We spent at least half an hour on the summit because it was such a lovely day and the views were magnificent, so if you have never been, keep it for a fine day.

Bella relaxes on Goats Hawse with Dow Crag in the distance.

More adventures are scheduled for this coming week when we all go off to Eskdale to stay at the Woolpack Inn and we hope to do Scafell not Scafell Pike. Watch this space folks.