Well it was going to be only photos from the KMF then I found this one of Bella looking stunning on Great Calva the week before and I just had to post it. This was a day when we started by queuing at the bus station for a bus which was late and ended up giving up entirely and walking from there up Great Calva and back to Keswick. It was a lovely day and a very good walk with Pete, Bella, kira and me.
Next up we have a fantastic photo of us on the Haystacks walk on day one of the KMF (Wednesday 13th May), the chap on the left is one of the Salomon reps, called Mat. We had Cat, Mat and Rich from Salomon with us.
We also had another Matt with us who is a lovely chap and one of our regulars who comes up all the way from Bristol to walk with us and here he is at the back left of the photo.
We also had a couple of ladies who came up from Derbyshire. Yes Carol Anderson Secretary of the Embroiderers' Guild, its you in this photo with others.
The trouble is, I don't remember what was so hilarious for we all seem to be laughing, perhaps Carol will remember? Anyway, it was on the way to the top so perhaps we were looking forward to the summit experience!
But last and by no means least, is Tim my assitant for the day. He just could not wait to go scrambling! Here is Tim nearly at the top of Little Round How a small but rocky prominence on the way down towards Dubs Bottom.
So we all enjoyed the day out and the weather was lovely, windy true but fantastic blue sky and good companions one and all, from embroiderers' to scramblers....
More photos of the KMF will follow, so watch this blog.