Hi all,
It may seem like an age since I last posted here to you but it seems even longer to me. I had all sorts of plans and then the computer malfunctioned.... So it had to go and I am now typing on its replacement. The Keswick Mountain Festival posting will be done and the pictures uploaded for your pleasure as soon as I can transfer them onto the new machine. The walking and the company has been great and thanks to all of you who have been joining Keswick Rambles for the walks. A special thanks to our Aussie lass Cathy (or Kathy) yesterday for embarking upon some Bella training with great results. We will have her swimming yet!
So sorry no piccies this time but I do have loads to show you.
You also need to know that the changes I refer to above don't just relate to this new computer I am using but to the team at Keswick Rambles too. You see another of our leaders has decided it is time to leave us: so please bid farewell to Terry Lowe who has given up the walks literally today! He is also responsible for keeping the 'official' website at keswickrambles
so someone (probably me) will be taking over that too in the future.
Meanwhile, I will keep this blog going as a means of keeping you all up to date with the changes as and when they happen. So although on the one hand it is sad to say goodbyeeee to Terry on the other we will be bringing in some new ideas.
I hope to see you soon at the Moot Hall for more fun on the fells.
Lochgorm Kits chassis etch.
2 weeks ago