Well its all go at the house this week, not only has Pete been building a covered way between our house and the next so that we can keep our wood store dry in the winter, but the builder is here putting a damp proof course into the lounge bay window which has been suffering from rising damp. This first piccie shows progress on the covered way which has halted at the moment whilst we await the roofing and the guttering to arrive from the builder's merchant.
The second photo is progress on the bay window, not much to see but very sever disruption I can tell you. Bella has decided to lay low in my study at the rear of the house and is spending most of her time lying on my sofa in a sunbeam. She does manage to have a walk once a day but at the moment it is not up a fell but just an hours fast walk through the woods, down by the lake, back through the town (usually past the town chip shop - she likes to see if there are any stray chips) and then back home.
We will probably manage to do an hour in the garden this afternoon when the sun comes round and then she will enjoy herself. The garden is just beginning to show signs of spring with these lovely primulas just peeking through all the dead leaves.
Meanwhile, though, bookings for the Keswick Mountain Festival are starting to hot up, so if any of you out there are wanting to book us, please email
armstrongps1@madasafish.com and we will book you on the walks. I must say that by May I hope all this work will be done and we can look forward to more exhilarating exercise on them there hills.