Those of you who came on the later walks will probably remember us saying that we were going to California. Well we did and we climbed a big.... mountain: it's like their sandwiches out there you can't eat them all so you need a doggie bag! Imagine a mountain to match......
Yes it was 10834 feet. Here is the evidence.
But what you don't know is that we took a tram up to about 8000 feet! Or that once on the top is was occupied by monks in saffron robes!! I kid you not, check out the sandals......

Actually, they were really very nice and took a photo of the two of us, but when we first saw them they had their umbrellas up against the sun, can you imagine just a few days before we had been on Haystacks doing navigation with rain and hail and cold numb hands with no umbrellas. Perhaps we can learn something here. Please post all comments regarding umbrella usage to Pete.